It was the time of my life where I get to meet more people and somehow be part of their lives. Things are pretty complicated: work, family, friends like learning to conform and be part of their "circle", money, issue of acceptance, pressures, expectations and yes…even singles thing like what shade of lipstick to wear before going to the office. For some it’s more complicated if you are a single parent or if you have a family at a younger age. Bottom line is: work really drains all the energy I have stored since birth.
It’s true though when they say life gets really stressful when you reach 20 and each individual have their own ways to relief stress or depressions. Me and my friends usually go out for a drink, chill at a coffee shop, do some shopping, dine at a fine restaurant (for some occasions though) and the best part of it party at a bar every weekend!
When I say party, music and booze is not enough. Some "take home" partners with them and some do "pop and roll". It’s when "e" or more known as ecstasy was introduced to me. I thought it’s something not being blatantly used in public places like bar, but like cocaine, methamphetamine aka shabu, or cannabis, but like the street kids sharing a bottle of rubber cement, this "kids" I’m with is getting high and low with the ecstasy they took.
Since high school, I was educated what these drugs are and the only effect I knew was it’s bad for my health and that’s it! The drugs and other scientific terms are enough to scare me from using it and somehow patronize it like others did. I know what cocaine, cannabis and the ever famous methamphetamine is, but what is really an ecstasy? Why there are some who are being hooked up to these fancy looking pills?
Some of my friends are really hooked up to it and some try it just for the sake of knowing how it feels. So how does it really feel? What makes a good tab from a bad tab? Is it true that once you pop, you actually "roll"?! Well, let me share the basic stuff. Ecstasy is also known as MDMA or methylenedioxymethamphetamine…whew! It’s a good word to play with...just practice! It is complicated like its name. Though its package is so comely and looks "safe", it’s more like a devil in angel’s wings that sure know how to confuse and devastate ones nervous system. It actually comes in different sizes, colors, logo and region; it varies on the contents one tab consists of as well.
Ecstasy has so many hallucination effects as well. One thing that it (may) differ from the other drugs is the one who take it feels "good" about everything around them. Like one may feel hugging someone, dancing all night long, anything that touches their skin’s feels smooth and other crazy stuff like that.
SO, what really is an ecstasy?!?! Aside from it can make your senses up all night..or even for few days, can cause a feelings of euphoria, boosts once sex drive and makes you feel "good" at all times, it can also have a great negative effects as well…just like any drugs have! Tabs have great effects towards once emotions. Some of the major negative effects a person can get by a frequent tabs users are: decrease appetite, urinary retention, high heart rate, high blood pressure, short – term memory lapses, lockjaw, hyperthermia, dehydration and hyponatremia…well, there’s lots of them but I can only name few.
According to some people I talked to, who do take "e", it is their stress reliever, an escape from the all craps in their lives, helps them boost their self esteem, to "be part of a group and be accepted" and simply to try it and have fun, specially when you pop it on a rave party or simply do it on a house party with some friendly friends around. For them, it’s a cardinal rule not to pop and reach the peak alone for you’ll never know how it feels to have a great crowd around or the feeling that someone is taking care of you…….