It’s been almost a month since I get to put into words all the thoughts and ideas that successfully intervene in my life and I think there’s no one to blame but my great ways in procrastinating.
It’s the culprit, the robber, the one I should put all the blames on.
I procrastinate that’s why I don’t get to love my job and didn’t get to find a career.
I procrastinate that’s why I’m still single.
I procrastinate that’s why I don’t really get to appreciate every single time I have.
I procrastinate as an alternative way for me if I can’t stop from what I’m doing to write down what I have in mind and heart.
Above all, I blame myself for doing it. Or maybe I should blame myself for not doing something about it. Procrastinating is eating my senses. I allow that to happen so I’m suffering the consequences. It’s me who can’t be brave enough to make a step forward and take the risk to defeat procrastinating. I let it take control MY steering wheel.
Time was wasted and there’s nothing I can do to get back on something that’s lost. I think the best thing to do is, oh well, as much as possible, don’t allow procrastinating to take over me. How? I don’t know. I think I should start doing what matters most – putting my thoughts into words, WRITE! I will try my best not to drag my feet when something came up and will not be hesitant to take time on putting into writing whatever it is that will just hit me. Writing is the only thing I get to do where I put my heart in and I know, It’s unfair for myself if I will take it for granted.
Check this out gryz:
I'm a big fan of that site. Like you, I procrastinate a lot too! But I've been trying to fight it for weeks now. I also write more in my blog now. ^_^
thanks pat... i really think i should do something about it.Ü
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