*go crazy with me*
*everything here are random thoughts of a crazy mind*

Saturday, August 30, 2008


It’s the time of the week when I get to talk to my boss and learn more from him. Honestly, this is something I always look forward to, aside from the fact that he actually share or should I say we share each other’s ideas on how can make a call a “sales” call, he get to share his wisdom. For somebody who has all the positivity in life run out of it, that person will definitely have the hard time standing up again. All through our coaching time, he gives me reason why I should be motivated in almost anything in life and well, and of course, be motivated at work as well. Take note…HE DIDN’T FORCE ME TO BE MOTIVATED, BUT HELP ME.

This time we talked about humility. If I’m not mistaken, we already discussed this on one of our couching time. It’s being completely thankful for the simplest things God has given and will give me. It’s striving hard but not taking the entire spotlight on your own. It’s appreciating when others did a great job and learn from them. Above all, there is no one to beat but you.
You might be thinking, what the last part has to do with humility….it will teach you to stay grounded after all the blessings given to you. Learning not to compare yourself to others and not judging one person based on the numbers is also the way to be humble.
It’s true and he makes a lot of sense. With all the things I learned in and out of the office is something I should be proud of but not something to brag about. If there is this one person who’s pulling my feet to boredom and despair, it’s no one but me.

All motivation didn’t last long, so if you lost something that motivate you at a certain time, learn to pick up yourself and stand with a proud heart --- this leaves a tattoo in my soul. I got this from my boss.

Weekend is here, and I have to do a lot of thinking about all the things we discussed. I said this before and I will say it again, I’m better than what I’m doing right now, I just need to really prove it myself here in this job I have.

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