*go crazy with me*
*everything here are random thoughts of a crazy mind*

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

*Program Focus*

OH GEEZ!!! I thought settling down with my family is so easy…
A lot of consequences are starting to show up and have to admit that I’m having a hard time juggling work-responsibilities-and-other-mumbo-jumbos in my life.
All the signs of aging are also pretty obvious…oh well…have no wrinkles on my face yet but I need to cut down on some things for me not to lose track of all the expenses on our place.
I have to bid farewell to Starbucks’ Grande coffees...i need to plot specific date for shopping, and specific amount too!! Instaed of going out to watch movies on a movie house, I will just wait for a copy on a dvd. Only one (consecutive) weekend/s in a month will be allotted for outings and unstoppable gimiks…all I pray is that I’ll be able to stick with all these deals in my life.
I just need to concentrate really hard I think..hehehe

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